Then this is a difficult step. It's time to China Phone Number List let things go. Trust the people on your team. And make sure they know what organizational goals there are and how your team and their personal goals align with them. Let's be China Phone Number List honest, if you're on vacation, employees should also be able to continue working. It is therefore important that everyone has their own goals and knows how much time they can spend China Phone Number List on tasks. Make these goals transparent, so that people can see how far they are from their goal.
For example, we have China Phone Number List internally set up a digital marketing dashboard in Google Datastudio where everyone in the organization can see whether our goals are being achieved. Within the marketing team, everyone has their own KPIs that they China Phone Number List can control. Haven't set goals yet? Then read this article about how to create a strategic dashboard for your director. Schedule personal success meetings People like to develop. Even if you China Phone Number List work remotely, it is important to support your team in this. Schedule personal success meetings. These are not evaluation conversations, but conversations purely aimed at the personal success of your team members.
In the office, it is easier to notice whether China Phone Number List someone is comfortable in his or her own skin. Therefore, make sure that you also ask questions about someone's private situation, the workload, and whether they feel they are learning new things. Don't ask if they enjoy it, ask what they like about their job. Let your employees think for China Phone Number List themselves about how they want to develop and support them in their choices by offering the right (digital) courses. Set up a communication tree Do you already use Teams, WhatsApp, Yammer, email, and the intranet to China Phone Number List to communicate? Where do you store documents? In SharePoint, Teams, network drives, and in systems?