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Montcalm County Citizens United
...because our community, our future, and our peaceful way of life is NOT for sale!
Contact Us At:
Township Specific Information
Belvidere Township
Volunteer Coordinator -Ken Purchase
Bloomer Township*
NEED Volunteer Coordinator!
Bushnell Township*
Volunteer Coordinator- Devin Everingham
Cato Township
Volunteer Coordinator - Marcy Nawrot Myers/
Cato Twp Citizens Alliance
Crystal Township*
NEED Volunteer Coordinator!
Day Township
Volunteer Coordinator - Will & Cheryl Rosso
Douglass Township
Volunteer Coordinator - Melissa Bannen /
Douglass Township Energy Coalition (DTEC)
Eureka Township
Volunteer Coordinator - Laurie Bahlman
Evergreen Township
Volunteer Coordinator - Renee Smith
Fairplane Township*
NEED Volunteer Coordinator!
Ferris Township*
NEED Volunteer Coordinator!
Home Township
NEED Volunteer Coordinator!
Maple Valley Township
Volunteer Coordinator - Vicki Douglas
Montcalm Township
Volunteer Coordinator - Richelle Lentz
Pierson Township
Volunteer Coordinator- Jeremy Carle
Safe/Protective Wind Ordinance Passed!
Pine Township
Volunteer Coordinator - Lindsey Sue Simon
Reynolds Township*
NEED Volunteer Coordinator!
Richland Township*
NEED Volunteer Coordinator!
Sidney Township
Volunteer Coordinators - Erik & Chantelle Benko
Safe/Protective Wind Ordinance Passed!
Winfield Township
Volunteer Coordinators- Jeremy & Jessica Kwekel
*Townships WITHOUT a coordinator will not have a page here on the site until a volunteer comes forward to provide updates for their township.
Evergreen, Day, Crystal, Bushnell and Ferris townships are NON-ZONED townships. It is advised that you attend BOTH your Township Board & the Montcalm County Board meetings to stay updated on wind ordinance developments in your community.
It is also advisable that an attorney be consulted for action planning in these townships.
Montcalm County Commissioners Meeting
Dates & Times HERE:
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